Amy Alzina Superintendent | Remodeling Classrooms and Building Community

This article was shared by Amy Alzina Superintendent.

The new school year brings opportunities to enhance campus spaces. Cold Spring School District has unveiled unique additions for students to enjoy. Recently, a greenhouse was built, and the garden and outdoor space was renovated for the new academic year. These outdoor facilities were provided and constructed by parents and local organizations who volunteered their time to ensure structures were properly built.

Cold Spring is proud of the student learning spaces. The children know how to make their day efficient across campus as they reach their daily learning goals. This year, the school is excited for students to also enjoy new renovations and a variety of special classroom enhancements that will supplement their academic routine.

A second-grade classroom has been redesigned with new flooring and new classroom furniture such as desks and chairs. The increased enrollment at Cold Spring has allowed for the growth of the facilities, and its new features will support the district’s safety protocols to avoid the spread of germs. The general renovations help keep Cold Spring an updated campus for everyone to enjoy. What better way to begin a school year than to start with good habits that will last, and a comfortable classroom environment for the growing student body?

The classroom and campus updates were also provided by members of the local community. Parents, teachers, administration, and neighbors helped with construction and decoration. The district is proud to have a supportive community that cares about the quality of education students receive.

“Cold Spring teachers are working hard educating our students with the most updated standards and learning expectations to meet goals for each grade level. While our students and staff are focusing on the everyday lessons, we are also improving the classrooms and campus to better fit the needs of our growing district,” says Amy Alzina, Superintendent, Cold Spring School District. “Our students exceed expectations with their academic achievements, and we support their growth through supplemental, hands-on curricular and extracurricular activities. We are excited for students to enjoy the latest renovations.”

The back-to-school season is in full swing. Students have adapted well to new school routines, including their arrival process and daily safety protocols. Parents are becoming involved with district opportunities at meetings. The district anticipates an astounding year with the use of the new student spaces.

“The district is fortunate to have volunteers that care about keeping the school a great environment for students,” says Yuri Calderon, Chief Business Officer, Cold Spring School District. “The community-building that Cold Spring has been able to do in the last year is remarkable because it shows how committed the Cold Spring family is.”

Cold Spring is supportive of creating an academic environment that is welcoming for all students. When students find comfort in their classroom, they are comfortable enough to learn and challenge themselves in their studies. Updating campus facilities ensures that Cold Spring School District remains a wonderful school setting that staff and students can call home.

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